
Birth of a Pride is joint winner at Natur-Vision film festival


We are pleased to announce that Birth of a Pride has recently won another international film award, the NaturVision Film Festival German Wildlife Film Award.

The jury was equally taken with the story of two lone-mother lionesses, who give birth to the first cubs in an area of Botswana where big cats and their prey had been virtually wiped out by hunting and poaching. The filmmakers spent weeks and months lying in wait in the savanna grass to provide profound and moving insights into the family life of the lions. In a dramatically artistic way, they have integrated the unique night images from an infrared camera into their documentary.

More information can be found by clicking here.

Birth of a Pride (Poster).jpg

Soul of the Elephant has won at the INFF 2016

The Innsbruck Nature Film Festival is proud to announce that SOUL OF THE ELEPHANT has won an HONORABLE MENTION for Nature Documentaries at the INFF 2016!

This is what the Jury said about the film:
A very personal and empathetic approach to the topic of ivory and elephants.
By traveling into the very heart of the Botswanan elephant territories, the filmmakers manage to also provide a journey into the soul of the elephants.
Sensitively told without sensational self-aggrandizement, this film brings us nearer to these grey giants than any film has ever done before. Thank you and Congratulations!

Eine sehr persönliche und einfühlsame Herangehensweise an das Thema Elfenbein und Elefanten.
Den Jouberts gelingt mit ihrer Reise ins Herz der Elefantengebiete Botswanas eine Reise in die Seele der Elefanten.
Gefühlvoll erzählt, ohne reißerische Selbstdarstellung, kommt dieser Film den grauen Riesen näher wie kaum ein Film zuvor. Danke und herzliche Gratulation!