Soul of the Elephant nominated for numerous accolades

Wildlife Films recent production 'Soul of the Elephant' has recently been nominated for a number of accolades and awards:

Best Wildlife Film by the 2016 New York WILD Film Festival.
Wins best Cinematography: International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula, Montana
Golden Green award at the Deauville Green Awards (France)
Won 1st Place at the international Film Festival Godollo (Hungary in the category: Documentaries on nature protection and conservation
18 May: Officially selected for Best Feature documentary of 2016 – Beijing International Film Festival
21st July: Emmy Nomination for Outstanding Nature Programming Category.

Despite living in the wild in Botswana for 30 years, filming, researching and exploring the world they have come to know so well, award-winning filmmakers and conservationists Dereck and Beverly Joubert say they are often still surprised by what they come across on their journeys. Such was the case when the couple were exploring the backwaters of the bush one day and stumbled upon the skulls of two large bull elephants with their ivory tusks intact. To the Jouberts, this is always cause for celebration because it means the giants died of natural causes and not, for example, from poaching, snares or bullets.

An elephant’s age can be determined by its molar teeth, and the Jouberts conclude from them that both animals died at around 70, but still had a few years left to live. So what caused these bulls to die in the same place and at the same time? The mystery so intrigues the filmmakers, they decide to spend the next two years traveling through what would have been their home range, reconstructing the lives these elephants would have led, reimagining their birth and childhood, how they would have interacted with each other, their great migrations for water with their families and the inevitable encounters with lions.